Stay away from expensive repair bills by using these valuable tips to repair your garage door remote. Learn how to fix noisy garage doors and how to deal with common garage door issues. Smart tips to help you keep your garage door functional!
The bearings on the torsion springs can be sprayed with penetrating grease. This will contribute to the smooth operation and less rusting of the door. Garage Door Repair Chino experts, however, do not recommend a user manually attempting adjustment of the tension on the springs as it is extremely dangerous and can result to accidents and serious injury.
When the garage door sensors are knocked out of line, it will not function properly. Hence, it should be properly aligned by gently pushing it in the right place. It requires a gently push only, aligning it to make them face each other. That is the correct position of the door sensors. Light indicator will start blinking if the sensors are not aligned properly.
If your roll up garage door is making sounds, it could be excess strain on gears. For this, use oil to lubricate cogs and gears. The professionals at Chino agree that this will make sure that your garage door doesn’t develop anymore serious problems.
Remember that springs wear faster than other garage door parts under normal conditions. Also remember that they can cause injuries if they snap. So, prevent such issues by replacing them on time. Follow the instructions in the manual and make sure new ones are installed when the current ones get old. Change both extension springs when only one is broken.
Make sure to close your garage door at all times even if you are in the house because burglars are quick when stealing. Always keep your remote with you and do not leave it where anyone can get their hands on it. Invest in a keychain remote so you can put it in your pocket and change codes regularly.